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Logic Studio 8 Full Pack with Content $199.95
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Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard $29.95
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AutoCAD Mechanical 2009 32 and 64 bit $189.95
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Need for Speed. Shift $25.95
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onOne Plug-In Suite 5 $99.95
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Paragon Drive Backup 9 Server $69.95
Paragon Partition Manager 10 Pro $29.95
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Poser 7 $79.97
Poser 8 Professional $99.95
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Project Professional 2007 $99.95
PTGui Pro 8 $49.95
Publisher 2007 $39.95
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Adobe Photoshop CS2 with ImageReady CS2 $79.95
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Roxio Creator 2010 Pro $49.95
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AutoCAD Raster Design 2009 32 and 64 bit $149.95
AutoCAD Revit Structure Suite 2009 32 bit $189.95
Apple Remote Desktop 3 Unlimited Managed $75.95
Sibelius 5 Professional $79.95
SoftPlan Architectural Design 13 $99.95
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SQL Server 2008 Standard Edition $299.95
SQL Server 2008 Workgroup Edition $299.95
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Autodesk SketchBook Pro 2010 32 bit $49.95
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Tractor Pro for MAC $59.95
Tunebite Platinum $19.95
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UltraISO 9 $19.95
VISIO 2003 PRO $39.95
Visio Professional 2007 $79.95
Visio Standard 2007 $59.95
Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition $99.95
VMware Workstation 6.5 $59.95
Windows Vista Business 32-bit $69.95
Windows Vista Home Premium with Service Pack 1 - 32 bit $59.95
Windows Vista Ultimate 32-bit $79.95
Windows Vista Ultimate 64-bit $79.95
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Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 3 $59.95
Wing FTP Server 3 Corporate Edition $69.95
WinZip 12 Pro $29.95
WinZIP Pro 14 $29.95
Adobe Creative Suite 4 Web Premium $239.95
Microsoft Works 7.0 $39.95
Dienstag, 23. Februar 2010
AutoCAD Civil 3D 2009 32 bit
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